Direct mount prop stand kick stand black - e bikes 40mm frame mount Kickstand inc Tiger Ace and Tiger Nova models

Direct mount prop stand kick stand black - e bikes 40mm frame mount Kickstand inc Tiger Ace and Tiger Nova models

Brand: ---
SKU: 12694
In Stock
Price: £14.99
  • Adult  bicycle prop kick stand, ideal for mountain bikes and hybrid cycles. Will fit cycles with 24'', 26'', 27'', 28'', 29" and 700c wheels.
  • Easy to fit with a large foot grip.
  • Finished in black.
  • Please note is is important that you do not sit on the bike with the prop stand down, as stand is only designed to take the weight of the cycle.
  • fits bikes with 40mm mount on the frame see images for more info
  • Comes with standard bolts for fitting but we can also supply the counter sink bolts if needed
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